City brings more opportunity for free homebuyers’ education

City of Fort Wayne Seal

Press release from the City:

City brings more opportunity for free homebuyers’ education
More Training Available to Homeowners, Those Considering Home Ownership

This month the City of Fort Wayne will offer home ownership education classes on two upcoming Saturdays: July 18 and July 25, both 8AM to noon, in the Omni Room at the City-County Building. The 8-hour training is broken into two 4-hour sessions and covers the following topics:

  • Are you ready to buy a home?
  • Managing your money.
  • Understanding credit.
  • Getting a mortgage loan.
  • Sample forms and documents.
  • Shopping for a home.
  • Keeping your home and managing your finances.
  • Homeowners insurance.

Those interested in attending the free classes should pre-register by calling Kim Rodriguez at 427-2133 or emailing their name and contact phone number. Registrants should call or email by 5 p.m. July 16 or 23.

“We’re pleased with the strong response we’re seeing to this educational opportunity,” said Mayor Tom Henry. “We had 17 individuals complete the training in June, but we already have 18 signed up for July. The classes have plenty of space, though, and I want to encourage anyone considering home ownership to invest the time in this free class to find out whether it is a wise choice for their family. Our neighborhoods benefit from homeowners who understand their responsibilities.”

The session on July 18 is part 1 and the session on July 25 is part 2 of the training, but attendees do not have to take them in order. Participants can begin with part 2 if that date is more convenient. Additional training sessions for both parts 1 and 2 are scheduled for Aug. 8 (part 1) and Aug. 15 (part 2) and a complete listing can be found at the City’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program website.

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