City closed Friday for Independence Day Holiday

City of Fort Wayne Seal

Press release from the City of Fort Wayne:

City closed Friday for Independence Day Holiday
Golf courses, pools open Friday and Saturday; garbage, recycling pick-up unaffected

Fort Wayne, Ind. – In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, the City of Fort Wayne’s offices, including City Utilities and the 311 call center, will be closed Friday, July 3. The City will resume regular business hours Monday, July 6.

Garbage and recycling collection will have its regular schedule this week, including Friday’s pick-up.

The Parks and Recreation administrative offices and the Community Center will be closed Friday. There will be no Summer Playground Program or Lifetime Sports Academy Friday, and all the Youth Centers will be closed. The Botanical Conservatory will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Parks’ golf courses and pools will follow their regular schedules Friday and Saturday.

Animal Care & Control will be closed Friday through Sunday. Animal Control officers will be on duty, and the shelter’s animal depository will be open throughout the weekend. Citizens with lost pets are urged to claim them from Animal Care & Control prior to the long holiday weekend to make space for incoming animals in need of help. For more information call 427-1244.

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