City Council agenda – 6/23/2009

The Fort Wayne City Council

The Fort Wayne City Council meets tonight in Committee and Regular Sessions at 5:30 pm in room 128 of the City-County Building.  The agenda may be downloaded by clicking here while the ordinances up for introduction may be downloaded here.

There are a few ordinances  up for introduction that bear closer examination:

A RESOLUTION approving the sale and purchase agreement for the property located at 200 East Berry Street. It is financially desirable to proceed with the purchase of the property located at 200 East Berry Street to provide the Fort Wayne Police Department and the City of Fort Wayne’s various departments with adequate operational facilities

A RESOLUTION initiating the creation of design standards within the City of Fort Wayne’s Zoning Ordinance. This amendment will establish design standards for the CM5A- Central Downtown and CM5B – Downtown Edge Zoning Districts

AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 37, Finance and Revenue of the Wayne Municipal Code of Ordinances that establishes
preferences for Indiana Business for the purchases of goods and services by the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana as allowed under I.C. 5-22-15 et seq.

AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 37 “Finance and Revenue” and Chapter 38 “Hiring of Consultants”; of the City of Fort
Wayne, Indiana, Code of Ordinances

AN ORDINANCE amending the Thoroughfare Plan of the City Comprehensive (“Master”) Plan by vacating public right-of-way
Right-of-way of Pearl Street, extending from Webster Street to Ewing Street


  1. Stephen: Any chance that you could obtain and post a copy of Exhibit”A” which is refered to in Resolution R09-06-13 ? Sure would like to see what the deal is proposed to be. If any property should be auctioned rather than sold via a city council resolution – this one sure should be it! How else can you get a real value?

  2. Wow, government looting at its finest. I also like the part in the press release where it’s going to save us MILLIONS. Wouldn’t we save more if we paid less than $7 million?

    Just sayin…

  3. There are lots of questions about the financial projections on this deal;
    1.What is the current tax revenue for City and County on 200 E. Berry?
    2.Where will parking be sourced and will $120,000 buy enough spaces?
    3.Can the County effectively use the space proposed to be vacated by the City in C-C and how will use of the garage be affected(currently not used very heavily and probably a losing proposition)? Since we all are County taxpayers we will be left holding the bag for the costs of both C-C and it’s garage.
    4.Could the Police operate with less than the suggested 80, using cheap satallite units?
    5. What are the alternate uses for Cedit funds? We have used so much of the available tax money for HS that there is little left for other worthwhile developments.
    6.How does splitting all the City and County employees improve cooperation and cost savings?
    Time to put on our nattering nabobs of negativity hats !!


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