Shoaff Park Splash Pad Open

Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department Logo

Press release from the City Parks and Recreation Department:

Shoaff Park Splash Pad Open

The construction work at Shoaff Park will no longer interfere with the splash pad and the water has been turned back on. The barricade fence erected for the safety of park patrons has also been removed, allowing for easy access to the parking lot.

New splash pad benches and shade structures have been added for the public’s enjoyment. Soon walkways connecting the parking lot to the playground areas will be complete as well.

Splash pads are touch activated. To turn the water on, look for a short pole (approx. 3 ft. tall) with a plastic dome top located within the play area. Place your hands on the dome for a few seconds. The water will appear shortly and run for several minutes. When the water stops, repeat the procedure.


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