Embassy Theatre window display

Well, it’s finally happened.  I have my own “show”, well, of sorts anyway.

In the Embassy Theatre/Indiana Hotel windows along Harrison Street are several windows of my photos.  This part of the “Play Downtown” campaign initiated by the Downtown Improvement District.

The creator of the display is Katie Hartzog who owns Hartzog Interiors.  I think she did a wonderful job of envisioning the windows and then pulling together all the elements into some visually stunning displays.  I didn’t show you, because I want you to go check it out for yourself, but there are some wonderful night time shots of our downtown as well as photos of Parkview Field.  I almost wish we’d had another week or two because Saturday night, I captured some really beautiful shots of the fireworks.  I will be posting these on the blog later this week.

As I checked out the windows this past weekend, what they say is really true – you are your own worst critic.  There are several details in the photos I now wish I’d paid attention to or done a bit differently.  But overall, with this being the first time seeing my work blown up to this size, I must say, I’m impressed.  Let me gloat a moment or two!

I’ll also add that the photos on display were captured strictly with the camera.  No digital manipulation after the fact was done to the photos with the exception of one.  There is a full-moon over the downtown area.  This was actually two photos, one of the moon by itself cut and pasted into the photo.  Shooting the moon, if you’ve ever tried, has some difficulties involved which can be solved doing it the way I did this photo.  I think it came out pretty nicely.

Anyway, stop by and check them out!

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  1. Can’t wait to see the real thing! Never ever point out your flaws to anyone, that only opens the door for others to start picking apart. AND ,I am sure they are splendid as most of your photos are.


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