Response to Senator David Long’s suggestions

The Coalition for a Better Fort Wayne released the following regarding Indiana Senator David Long’s suggestions to fellow legislators:

Fort Wayne Coalition Praises Recent Senate Activity

Today, the Coalition for a Better Fort Wayne announces its appreciation towards the initiatives of Senator David Long. Long, the President Protempore of the Indiana State Senate urged fellow lawmakers to remain focused on the development of a new state budget and moved to take gambling issues off the agenda so the budget can be the sole focus of the legislative session.

The actions of Senator Long have not gone unnoticed in his home community. John F. Popp, Chairman of the Coalition for a Better Fort Wayne praised Long, stating “the stand made by David Long yesterday is not only wise in terms of developing a budget, but also in recognizing that the gambling issue is indeed worthy of its own debate – unfettered by the state budget debates. Without the distraction of the gambling issue, a new budget can be created which focuses solely on the needs of the state.”

Senator Long remains focused on separating the issues of budget and gambling. As the Indianapolis Business Journal reported yesterday, “the Fort Wayne Republican said gambling issues would be distracting in the special session and should be sent instead to a study commission for review later. Lawmakers still hope to find a solution for Indianapolis’ cash-strapped stadium agency in the special session, however. Long says that issue could be considered if it’s included in the budget bill and does not include gambling.”

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  1. We have a Coalition for a Better Fort Wayne?? It really makes you wonder who actually runs this town! And Popp has pelnty of money and friends around so I would think that he can get his agenda pushed through.

  2. But what “good thing” has he done? All he’s done is expressed a sentiment on how the issue should be handled. Words are easily stated and have little value when not backed up with action. The true test of what he’s said (and the Governor for that matter) is whether or not it stays off the table. If you really don’t want it handled in a special session, then the Governor should have said he wouldn’t sign any budget with a casino referendum or anything else for that matter attached or inserted. The City, shortly after the Daniels press conference, made it clear they’re still going to pursue it in the special session. A good thing would have been to convince the City that it shouldn’t pursue it, which obviously didn’t happen.

    Another thought…One of Daniels beliefs, and a correct one as far as I’m concerned, is that Hoosiers aren’t stupid. They’re able to decide things for themselves. He’s proven this by pushing for referendum votes on capital projects and other issues. Yet, on this casino issue, he is against the referendum vote. Let us have the referendum and decide for ourselves whether or not we want it. If a referendum were held and the people resoundingly voted yes for a casino, it still would have to work through other levels of government to become reality.


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