City Council Agenda – 3/3/2009

The Fort Wayne City Council

The Fort Wayne City Council meets tomorrow evening at 5:30 pm in room 128 of the City-County Building.  The agenda may be downloaded here.

There are several issues up for discussion including the Charis House partial vacation request of Fairmount Place.  You may listen to the public hearing that was held February 24, 2009 below.


G-09-02-15 makes another appearance:

AN ORDINANCE amending Policy and Procedure Number 704: Entitled “Vacation Time” of the City of Fort Wayne Policy and Procedures Manual POLICY 704: VACATION

This ordinance was tabled to allow for more information to be gathered.  Part of this issue is this may only affect non-union employees.  There were several questions asked of the Administration – in this case Al Candioto – that he could not answer.  It was decided to hold the ordinance to allow the Administration to get a better grip on the implications of this proposed policy.  You may listen to the audio of the recording here:


There are also several “Project Coordination Contracts” up for consideration involving various trails.


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