The Fort Wayne City Council meets tomorrow evening at 5:30 pm in room 128 of the City-County Building. Â The agenda may be downloaded here.
There are several issues up for discussion including the Charis House partial vacation request of Fairmount Place. Â You may listen to the public hearing that was held February 24, 2009 below.
[audio:]G-09-02-15 makes another appearance:
AN ORDINANCE amending Policy and Procedure Number 704: Entitled “Vacation Time” of the City of Fort Wayne Policy and Procedures Manual POLICY 704: VACATION
This ordinance was tabled to allow for more information to be gathered. Â Part of this issue is this may only affect non-union employees. Â There were several questions asked of the Administration – in this case Al Candioto – that he could not answer. Â It was decided to hold the ordinance to allow the Administration to get a better grip on the implications of this proposed policy. Â You may listen to the audio of the recording here:
[audio:]There are also several “Project Coordination Contracts” up for consideration involving various trails.