Press Release from Allen County Government:
Proposals Sought for Privatization of County’s Juvenile Group Homes
The Allen County Board of Commissioners announced today it will seek proposals from licensed agencies to take over operations of the Youth Services Center’s two licensed group homes for juveniles.
Proposals to privately manage the Kryder House and Yoder House Group Homes are due in the Commissioners’ Office by noon on March 19. Commissioners are expected to select the best proposal at a meeting on March 23 at 11 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Courtroom in order to begin the contract negotiating process.
A downloadable copy of the Request for Proposals is available here. Copies may also be picked up at the Commissioners’ Office in Room 200 of the City-County Building or at the Youth Services Center office at 11805 Lima Road.
The decision to privatize operations at Kryder House and Yoder House comes following changes to the funding structure for Indiana’s juvenile services. The Indiana Department of Child Services, which is taking over paying for the programs from counties, will not be required to pay costs of any services, programs or placements to facilities that are not eligible to receive federal reimbursement. The total licensed capacity for publically-operated facilities seeking federal reimbursement eligibility cannot exceed 25 juveniles. The YSC shelter and the two group homes have a licensed capacity totaling 56.
“By privatizing operations at the group homes and reducing the capacity at the shelter from 36 to 25, we hope to meet the eligibility guidelines,” said Bill Brown, president of the Board of Commissioners. “The state has given counties a deadline of March 31, so we need to move quickly in order to keep these important facilities from having to close.”