Am I having a stupid moment?

OK, OK, I know there are some that would probably argue I have a stupid moment every time I start a post on this blog, but what am I missing?

The following appeared in my RSS reader this evening, from the News-Sentinel:

Fort Wayne man dies after accidentally shooting himself

By Evan Goodenow of The News-Sentinel

Fort Wayne’s latest apparent homicide appears to be accidental.

Fifty-one-year-old Fort Wayne resident —— called 9-1-1 at 9:40 p.m. and said he had shot himself in the legs while cleaning his shotgun in his home at…

[…] If ruled a homicide by the Allen County Coroner’s Office, Vanderbilt would be the city’s fifth victim of a homicide this year, compared to zero homicides through Feb. 2 of last year.

I know of one other person, who happened to be an acquaintance, who died from a gunshot while cleaning his weapon at the end of last year.  It was never ruled a homicide nor was that word ever mentioned by anyone.  Look up homicide in the Merriam-Webster On-line Dictionary.  It reads: “a person who kills another” or “a killing of one human being by another”.  I don’t think I’ve ever read or heard a similar situation reported like this before… What am I missing?

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