3-1-1 Hours Extended, 12/22/2008

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City of Fort Wayne Press Release:

Mayor Extends 311 Call Center Hours To 8 Tonight

Because of the ongoing large volume of calls coming to the 311 Call Center, Mayor Tom Henry is extending the 311 hours to 8pm tonight.    

“The concept of “One Call to City Hall” and a centralized location for information or to report storm problems is working well and has been heavily utilized by our citizens,” said Mayor Tom Henry. 

The increase in calls to 311 saw the office extend hours four the fourth straight day. 

“My hat is off to our call takers, they’ve put in a lot of hours over the past four days helping Fort Wayne citizens through this critical period of time following the ice storm.  I know they’re tired, but when asked they willingly agreed to give extra time to the cause,” said Mayor Henry. 

Because of the large volume of calls the 311 Call Center will remain open until 8pm on Monday December 22, 2008. 

311 is for non-emergency calls like downed tree limbs blocking roadways. 

911 is for emergency situations including downed power lines. 

During the past three days 311 call takers assisted 11,648 residents on issues related to the ice storm. 

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