The above photo says it all! It was taken shortly before last evening’s City Council meeting began. The line stretched through from the Election Board’s front door through the first floor of the City-County and around the corner in front of the City Clerk’s office and at one point, reached the doors of the council chambers. I spoke with Deb Morrone this afternoon and she told me they had a record day yesterday for early voters – 1,440! This year, the very first day early voting began, a record was set. This turnout record has been bettered almost every time the staff turns around so it may be only a matter of time before the 1440 is beaten!
Wait times have been reported to be up to 55 minutes, but this is the extreme of the waiting, not the norm. I will say that the times I’ve been in the City County building lately, the lines seem to move right along. They have 15 voting booths set up.
Early voting continues this week until Noon Monday. The hours for the next few days are:
Thursday – 8 am to 7 pm
Friday – 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday -Â 9 am to 4 pm
Sunday -Â closed
Monday -Â 8 am to Noon
One of the services the Election Board provides is in-home voting for senior citizens who are unable to make it to their polling place. However, most of the appointments are taken with few remaining. One other service available to those seniors who are able to travel to the City-County building, is vote in your car. You will need to call ahead (449-7329) to reserve a slot. This service is available only from noon until 1 pm Thursday and Friday.
Approach the City-County building on Calhoun Street and turn into the Parking Garage. Once inside the gates, turn to the right and the slope. There is a parking attendant booth on the right side, the handicap space directly across from this is where you need to be located to place your vote.
There is a buzzer on the handicap sign that you press to let the board know you are there.
They will then come to your car, allow you to vote and that’s it! You’ve done your civic duty.
Whatever your pleasure, voting early, voting in your car or waiting until Tuesday, VOTE! It’s important. I’m not going to say this year is the most important election ever – they ALL are important! If some of the same people voting in this election had gotten involved sooner in our electoral process, our country might not be in the situation it is currently facing, i.e. the economy, Iraq and Afghanistan among others. The indifference and apathy needs to change. Hopefully those voting for the first time ever or in years will continue to let their voice be heard – long after this election is but a mere memory.
If you would like to examine your ballot before heading out to vote, look at this previous AFW Blog post for the step-by-step instructions of how to find your ballot. Â Special thanks to Deb Morrone for taking the time once again to talk with me!