Harrison Square Photos and Update

Work on the playing field has begun.  Currently, the drainage system is being installed.  According to Jim Iddins, Weigand Construction Manager, the turf for the field will probably be installed at the end of October.  Jim stated that the project is proceeding as expected and seemed pleased with it’s progress.

Also on my way to the Harrison Square project area, I ran into Greg Leatherman, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Department.  He said an announcement should be forthcoming from Barry Real Estate regarding the new marketing plan on Tuesday.  A press conference had initially been planned, but it looks like a press release will take place instead.

I forgot to mention earlier in the week that Tom Didier, President of the Fort Wayne City Council asked for another Harrison Square update to be presented to City Council in the coming weeks.  Ozzie Mitson, Public Information Officer with the City, was sitting behind me in the Council Chambers, so I would expect something soon.

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