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Tag: Pope Francis

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USF President signs support for Pope Francis Encyclical

169 Catholic college and university leaders, including the USF president, are showing their support to Pope Francis for his recent encyclical Laudato Si.
USF - University of Saint Francis seal

USF to host conference examining Pope’s Encyclical

USF will hosting a conference about Pope Francis's encyclical, "Sharing the Gospel of Creation: Integral Ecology and Catholic Theology in Pope Francis' Laudato Si."
USF - University of Saint Francis seal

USF students to witness Pope Francis visit

Pope Francis is making his first trip to the United States in September, and a group from USF will have the chance to experience part of his visit.
City of Fort Wayne seal

City of Fort Wayne announces plans for third annual Prayers for the City event

The third annual Prayers for the City hosted by Mayor Henry will take place Sunday, Aug. 30 at the University of Saint Francis North Campus Auditorium.
USF - University of Saint Francis seal

USF to present lecture on Pope Francis and Leadership

The USF School of Liberal Arts and Sciences is welcoming author and speaker Chris Lowney to present "Leadership Lessons of Pope Francis".
USF - University of Saint Francis seal

Papal decree paves way for beatification of USF sponsoring order’s foundress

With a Decree of Miracle issued on March 27 by newly elected Pope Francis, Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration foundress Mother Maria Theresia Bonzel continues the process toward beatification on Nov. 10 in Paderborn, Germany.