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Tag: collective bargaining

Fort Wayne City Council agenda: 1/12/2021

The Fort Wayne City Council will be holding their annual reorganization meeting tonight at 5:30 pm, followed by Committee and Regular Sessions.

Collective Bargaining legislation to be introduced

City Councilman Glynn Hines, Councilman Geoff Paddock, Councilwoman Sharon Tucker today discussed a bill they are co-sponsoring with Councilwoman Michelle Chambers to bring collective bargaining opportunities back to city employees.

Crawford response to negative ads

Republican Mayoral Primary candidate John Crawford responds to recent negative and misleading campaign ads, in print, on TV, and social media, by his opponent.

Crawford outlines platform for 2019 mayoral bid

City Councilman At-Large John Crawford, who recently announced he will seek the Republican nomination for Mayor of Fort Wayne in 2019, clarified the five major issues he will focus on at a news conference today at Allen County Republican Headquarters.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Mayor’s veto message

City of Fort Wayne Mayor's veto message on G-14-05-17.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Statement from Mayor Henry on veto override

Tonight's vote to override my veto of the ordinance to end collective bargaining for non-public safety union employees is disappointing and unnecessary.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry’s veto message

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry's veto message.
Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry

Mayor Henry comments on last evening’s vote to end collective bargaining for some unions

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry spoke with us earlier today about the Fort Wayne City Council's vote last night to end collective bargaining for all non-public-safety employees.
Moveon pettition

Collective Bargaining on-line petition

An on-line petition has been started to protest the Fort Wayne City Council's attempts at eliminating collective bargaining for the City's unionized employees.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Mayor Henry calls for collaborative study commission on collective bargaining

Mayor calls for collaborative study commission on collective bargaining.