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Tag: Bandidos Restaurant

Restaurants against Food and Beverage tax increase

List of Fort Wayne, Indiana, restaurants that are opposed to an increase in food and beverage tax as provided by the Fort Wayne City Council.

Councils react to food and beverage tax increase

Today, City and County officials met at Don Hall’s Gas House to introduce a joint resolution that will advise the state legislature on the food and beverage tax.
Georgetown Square logo

Georgetown Fridays: Parkview Concert Series kick-off

Parkview Hospital once again joins forces with Georgetown Square to provide a high quality concert series to northeast Fort Wayne.
Savor Fort Wayne logo

Savor Fort Wayne returns at more than 25 restaurants

Diners will once again be able to take advantage of three-course, value-priced menus during the second annual Savor Fort Wayne from January 14 - 25, 2015.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Citizens Courtyard to open at Citizens Square July 7th

Citizens Courtyard café in the garden level of 200 E. Berry St. will reopen Monday, July 7 with a rotating list of 10 lunch vendors.