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Tag: Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division

Consumer Alert: COVID-19 vaccine survey scam

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita and Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box are warning of a new scam targeting consumers who have received their COVID-19 vaccine.

Beware fake COVID-19 tests

Attorney General Curtis Hill is warning Hoosiers of scammers taking advantage of the scarcity of COVID-19 tests by falsely claiming to be able to provide testing.

Report unlawful eviction, foreclosure proceedings

Attorney General Curtis Hill asks consumers to file complaints with his office should eviction or foreclosure proceedings initiate or continue during this public health crisis.

AG Curtis Hill warns of COVID-19 scams

Attorney General Curtis Hill today asked Hoosiers to be wary of scams as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic sweeps across the globe.

AG urges Hoosiers to submit price-gouging complaints online

If you believe you have been subjected to excessive prices for consumer goods during the coronavirus pandemic, file an online complaint with AG.