Seal of Allen County

Bass and Thomas Roads intersection closed

Beginning tomorrow, March 24, 2021, the intersection of Bass Road and Thomas Road will be CLOSED.
Seal of Allen County

No public swearing-in ceremony for County elected officials

A public swearing-in ceremony for newly elected Allen County officials will not take place in 2020.
Seal of Allen County

County offices closed Memorial Day

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, all Allen County offices will be closed on Monday, May 25.

Government offices to reopen Monday

Citizens Square and the Rousseau Centre will open to the public beginning Monday, May 18th.

Vandeveer Impact Award nominations open

The Allen County Board of Commissioners today announced that nominations are now being accepted for the fourth annual “Linda and Jerry Vandeveer Impact Award”.

City-County COVID-19 medical update

Local government and healthcare experts today provided a medical update on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Services/resources available to businesses during COVID-19 pandemic

Government and business leaders today highlighted services and resources that are available to assist large and small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Citizens Square & Rousseau Centre to remain closed

Citizens Square and the Rousseau Centre will remain closed to the public through at least the end of the month.

Local government and mental health services available

Local government and mental health experts and organizations today highlighted mental health services and resources that are available during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rousseau and Citizens to remain closed

The Allen County Commissioners and Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry today announced that Citizens Square and the Rousseau Centre will remain closed to the public.