Headwaters Ice Rink Status – 1/8/2008

For the latest information about Headwaters Park Ice Rink, click here.

Headwaters Ice Rink Closed – 1/7/2008

For the latest information about Headwaters Park Ice Rink, click here.

Headwaters Park Ice Rink Status

For the latest information about Headwaters Park Ice Rink, click here. <!--Before heading out to the Headwaters Park Ice Rink Monday or Tuesday, you might want...

Headwaters Ice Rink Status – 1/6/2008

For the latest information about Headwaters Park Ice Rink, click here.

Headwaters Park Ice Rink Hours

For the latest information about Headwaters Park Ice Rink, click here.

Fort Wayne City Inaugurations

     Photos Tom Henry was inaugurated today as Fort Wayne Mayor.  The following were also sworn in: Fort Wayne City Council Members: 1st District: Thomas Smith 2nd District:...

Headwaters Ice Rink Holiday Hours Reminder – 12/21/2007

For the latest information about Headwaters Park Ice Rink, click here.

2008 Continuity

Mayor-elect Tom Henry has decided to keep 6 key people on in his new administration which starts the 1st of January.  This is according...

Headwaters Ice Rink Holiday Hours

 Special Holiday Hours From December 8th to January 7th: Daily, Noon to 10 pm On Saturday, December 15, 2007, the Ice Rink will be closed from 2:30...

Headwaters Ice Rink Opens Tonight – 11/21/2007

For the latest information about Headwaters Park Ice Rink, click here.