Fort Wayne Regional Maker Faire

Fort Wayne Regional Maker Faire interview

We recently spoke with Jane Applegate about the upcoming Fort Wayne Regional Maker Faire.
The 765 on Horsehoe Curve

First passenger train excursion in 20 years to depart Fort Wayne

For the first time in over twenty years, a passenger excursion train will depart Fort Wayne.
Allen County Republican Party Chairman Steve Shine

Steve Shine on the 2014 State Republican Convention coming to Fort Wayne

We talked with Allen County Republican Chairman Steve Shine earlier this week about the 2014 Indiana Republican Party's convention coming to Fort Wayne.
Dr. John Crawford, Anthony Wayne Statue

City Councilman Crawford on proposed Anthony Wayne statue move

Yesterday, we sat down with Fort Wayne City Councilman Dr. John Crawford to discuss his resolution opposing the proposed Anthony Wayne statue move.
The General Anthony Wayne Statue

Another ‘high horse’ moment…

Two Fort Wayne City Councilmen, Mitch Harper (R-4th) and Dr. John Crawford (D-At Large), will introduce a resolution which if passed, will allow the Council to weigh in on the proposed move.
General Anthony Wayne statue

City announces plans to relocate Anthony Wayne statue

Mayor Tom Henry and Parks & Recreation Department leaders today announced plans that call for the General Anthony Wayne statue to be moved from Freimann Square to the Courthouse Green.
Subject wanted

FWPD seeking subject

The Fort Wayne Police Department is asking for the public's assistance in helping us to identify the subject in these video clips.
Dan O'Connell Day

Dan O’Connell Day photos and video

Today was declared, "Dan O'Connell Day" in Fort Wayne, Indiana by Mayor Tom henry. O'Connell's celebrates 25 years of service at Visit Fort Wayne.

Video from yesterday’s announcement by Jack Morris

Yesterday, Allen County Democrat Jack Morris announced he will be running for the Indiana Senate's 15th District seat in 2014.
July 29, 2013 Fort Wayne Parks news conference

FW Parks news conference photos and video interviews

Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation held a news conference today to announce $3 million in annual investments in the parks system beginning in 2014.                   Read...