Nanette Yarde

Opinion: Girl Scout camp builds confidence

Opinion: Girl Scout Camp builds confidence, leadership skills by Nanette Yarde.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Opinion: An annexation alternative

Annexation is about retaining and attracting jobs and improving the quality of life our community has to offer.
FWPD logo

Op-Ed: Businesses can assist with body-camera purchases

Please consider coming together to help acquire the tools needed to keep pace with ongoing safety concerns of our citizens and communities.
Indiana AFL-CIO logo

Op-Ed: Trade deal would hurt hoosier workers and businesses

Trade deal would hurt hoosier workers and businesses.
ita logo

Op-ed: “Transit is a good investment for Indiana”

The truth is, transit is a good investment for Indiana: Every dollar we invest in public transit delivers more than $3.11 in benefits.
Riverfront Fort Wwayne logo

Opinion: City Councilman John Crawford weighs in on riverfront development

Fort Wayne City Councilman John Crawford (R-At-Large), recently wrote an op-ed piece for the Journal Gazette.
City of Fort Wayne seal

An op-ed piece by members of the Fort Wayne City Council

Op-Ed submitted by Councilman John N. Crawford and others.
Fort Wayne City Councilman Mitch Harper

Opinion: Legacy Fund should benefit our community for decades and generations to come

Custodians of the Legacy Fund have an obligation to ensure those funds benefit the community decades from now and for generations to come.
Indiana AFL-CIO logo

Labor Day message: It’s time fora more equal economy

Labor Day message: It's time fora more equal economy.
Elections logo.

Opinion: Three Commissioners versus one

Allen County Commissioner Nelson Peters (R-1st) on this November's referendum to replace the three member Board of Commissioners with one executive.