Indiana awarded $1.3 million for increasing adoptions

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Press release from the Indiana Department of Child Services:

Indiana Awarded $1.3 million for Increasing Adoptions

(INDIANAPOLIS, September 22, 2010) – Indiana received a $1.3 million award from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services for increasing the number of children adopted from foster care. Indiana was one of 38 states and Puerto Rico recognized by HHS and has received this award each year it has been presented.

“All children deserve loving, safe and permanent homes,” said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “It is gratifying that most states continue to excel in promoting the adoption of children from foster care. I sincerely thank every adoptive family that has welcomed a child into their home.”

James W. Payne, Director of the Indiana Department of Child Services, also praised Indiana’s adoptive parents. “Most children in foster care are looking for a place to call home — families with whom they can share a lifetime of birthdays and holidays and who can cheer for them at their sporting events and other activities. Those who adopt children provide that safety and stability, but more importantly give that child a forever family. For that we are grateful.”

Indiana is currently on target to second highest number of adoptions in the last seven years.

Information about Indiana children waiting for adoptive families is available at or by calling 1-888-25ADOPT.


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