Allen County receives grant to improve Scott Road rail crossing

Allen County has been awarded up to $400,000 to evaluate alternatives to improve an at-grade crossing of Norfolk Southern Railway and Scott Road.

News release from the allen County Board of Commissioners:

Allen County Receives Grant to Improve Scott Road Rail Crossing

Allen County, Indiana (January 14, 2024) – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration recently announced the recipients of the Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program. The competitive program selects projects from across the county that improve the safety and mobility of people and cargo across at-grade rail crossings. Nationally, 123 grant applicants were awarded funding. Allen County landed one of only six grants awarded in the State of Indiana.

Norfolk Southern Railway (NSR) approached the county about the grant opportunity and wrote a supporting report that was included with the application. Allen County was awarded up to $400,000 to evaluate alternatives to improve an at-grade crossing of NSR and Scott Road. The initiative, dubbed C.R.O.S.S. (Comprehensive Rail Overpass Safety Strategy) Scott Road Project, will explore the feasibility of a grade separation, which means the construction of an over- or under-pass.

According to Allen County Highway Director Bill Hartman, “The NSR bisects the main north-south corridor on the west side of the county delaying school and business travel but also forcing the long detour of emergency service vehicles. The daily commute for anyone traveling Scott Road is significantly impacted by this road/rail intersection.” In addition to vehicle connectivity and safety, the study will take into account trail systems with the goal of tying the new Bass Road trail with the networks along Illinois Road and the Covington area.

In the planning grant application, Allen County sought funding to study and design safety and re-connectivity improvements to the NSR crossing. “It’s a tricky area,” continued Hartman, “we must consider the location of one of Allen County’s largest public high schools, a hospital, and fire and EMS hubs, as well as the current housing boom. Planning, coordination, and engineering studies on the front end are essential to creating appropriate long-term solutions.”

The Allen County Board of Commissioners was pleased with the grant, which will cover 80% of the project, with the county coving the 20 percent non-Federal match. “We understand the goal of the Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program and fully support the Highway Department’s decision that improvement to this particular rail crossing is of the upmost importance. Improving or eliminating the at-grade crossing on Scott Road will help reunite communities that too-long have been divided or impeded by rail infrastructure,” shared Commissioners Rich Beck, Therese Brown, and Ron Turpin in a joint statement.

The Commissioners express gratitude to the Allen County Department of Planning Services and NIRCC (Northeastern Indiana Regional Coordinating Council) for providing background information and data that was included in the grant application. Overall project management will be provided by the Allen County Highway Department with conceptual engineering and environmental assessments completed by a consultant. The county will pursue other grants available for the design and construction phases.


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