Local trails usage continues to increase

City of Fort Wayne news release:

Public continuing to use local trails at record numbers

(December 8, 2020) – Residents continued to utilize the local trail system in November and trail counts reached an all-time high for the month at 46,130. The previous high count for November was in 2016 with 38,197.

The data comes from 14 infrared trail counters that track usage.” The record-breaking numbers we’re seeing in the use of our trail system is very encouraging,” said Greenways and Trails Manager Dawn Ritchie. “Our community’s commitment to having an outstanding active transportation network sends a strong message to residents and businesses that we strive to have an excellent quality of life in Fort Wayne. COVID-19 has been challenging to so many. We’re fortunate that our trail system has been able to provide the public with a safe way to enjoy recreational opportunities.”

The growth of the trail system is one of Mayor Tom Henry’s top priorities in an effort to help Fort Wayne be the healthiest city possible and position the community for new jobs and talent attraction and retention.

Important guidelines for the trail system:

  • Obey all traffic signals and signage.
  • Keep to the right and pass on the left.
  • Stay on the trails and do not enter private property or yards.
  • Stop for cross traffic.
  • Pick up after your pet.
  • Don’t litter.
  • Bicyclists need to call out or use a bell before passing.
  • Bicyclists should pull just off the trail if they have to stop.

The City of Fort Wayne’s Greenways began as part of the Parks and Recreation Department. From 1975 to 2005, the Parks Department built the Rivergreenway. In 2005, as interest grew and more residents began using the trails, the current City Greenways and Trails Department moved to the Public Works Division, a fitting move as the community’s view of trails shifted from recreation to active transportation.

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