ISDH COVID-19 Testing Guidelines

COVID-19 Testing Guidelines from the Indiana State Department of Health:

Indiana State Department of Health Testing Guidelines

Testing swabs and viral transport medium remain in short supply, so the Indiana State Department of Health continues to focus on highest-risk patients and provide results within 24-48 hours of sample receipt.

ISDH will approve COVID-19 testing for the following highest-risk patients:

  1. Patients who require hospitalization due to complications of their acute respiratory illness and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
  2. Healthcare workers and first responders with symptoms consistent of COVID-19 who in their role have potential or unknown exposure to at risk patients.
  3. Patients and staff (who have direct contact with patients) at long-term care facilities with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and otherwise no known COVID-19 contact.
  4. Persons experiencing homelessness with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and otherwise no known COVID-19 contact.
  5. Patients who expire with suspected COVID-19 symptoms.
  6. Inmate patients and staff (with direct contact with inmates) at correctional facilities with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and otherwise no known COVID-19 contact.
  7. Patients 65 years of age and older with symptoms consistent with COVID-19
  8. Patients with underlying conditions with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 According to the CDC, high-risk conditions include:
    i. People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
    ii. People who have heart disease with complications
    iii. People who are immunocompromised including cancer treatment
    iv. People of any age with severe obesity (BMI >40) or certain underlying medical conditions, particularly not well controlled, such as those with diabetes, renal failure or liver disease
  9. Pregnant women

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