A news release from the City of Fort Wayne:
INDOT Sends Love to Fort Wayne
Bluffton, Goeglein Bridges Get “Date” for Funding
(February 14, 2020) — More than $6 million to fund two bridge replacements is coming to Fort Wayne this Valentine’s Day. The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) announced funding for the replacement of the Bluffton Road Bridge over the St. Marys River and the Goeglein Road Bridge over the Bullerman Drain.
This week INDOT announced that $120.8 million in federal transportation funds for projects around the State with $87 million of those funds going to 54 bridge projects.
Fort Wayne will receive $6,473,840 for the bridge replacements with $5,515,440 going to Bluffton Road and $958,400 for the Goeglein Road Bridge.
About 25,000 vehicles per day use the Bluffton Road Bridge. The Goeglein Road Bridge serves 2,700 vehicles per day. Both bridges currently have weight restrictions.
The funding is awarded for construction to begin in 2025. Design work may begin later this year.