IPFW Women’s Studies program focuses on tragic issue rather than women’s achievements

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Statement from the Allen County Right to Life denouncing celebration of abortion at IPFW during Women’s History Month:

IPFW Women’s Studies Program Focuses on Tragic Issue rather Than Women’s Achievements

(March 18, 2013) – Today, representatives from Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) Students for Life, Allen County Right to Life and Indiana Right to Life released the following statement denouncing the IPFW Women’s Studies Program’s month-long celebration of abortion to correspond with Women’s History Month.

“As a student at IPFW, and as a woman, I am deeply offended that the Women’s Studies Program sees abortion as the appropriate topic to celebrate during Women’s History Month,” stated Michelle Landrigan, President of IPFW Students for Life. “The Women’s Studies Program could have easily found prominent accomplishments of women to celebrate. Modern history alone has given us female trailblazers like suffragist Susan B. Anthony, aviator Amelia Earhart, civil rights activist Rosa Parks and first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, just to name a few. Women’s History Month is about paying tribute to the countless women who have made our world a better place, and should not be twisted to celebrate a procedure that ends a human life.”

“Women deserve better than abortion,” said Cathie Humbarger, Executive Director of Allen County Right to Life. “Abortion damages women emotionally and physically. Abortion is labeled as a simple ‘fix’ but the pain of abortion effects women for decades. A 2011 study in the British Journal of Psychiatry found post-abortive women were nearly twice as likely to deal with mental health problems compared to other women. Furthermore, abortion targets preborn girls through gendercide. It’s estimated that 200 million women are missing globally due to sex-selective abortion. Abortion is not something to celebrate at IPFW or anywhere.”

“A celebration of abortion on a college campus tries to normalize abortion, but abortion is anything but normal” stated Mike Fichter, President and CEO of Indiana Right to Life. “Women in crisis pregnancies need help and support rather than pressure to choose abortion and end the child’s life. A month-long celebration of abortion merely attempts to mask the pain of abortion and encourages women to embrace the tragic practice of abortion.”

The IPFW Women’s Studies Program scheduled five events centered on abortion from March 4 through April 1, 2013. A flyer for the event claims additional support from Indiana Purdue Student Government Association (IPSGA), Campus Feminists in Solidarity, Triota, the Departments of History and Political Science and the Center for Women and Returning Adults.

IPFW Students for Life is dedicated to promoting the value of life at IPFW by educating students about abortion, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research. IPFW Students for Life advocates alternatives to abortion and assists women who need help carrying their child or healing after an abortion.

Allen County Right to Life, based in Fort Wayne, Ind., operates out of a common concern for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

Indiana Right to Life’s mission is to protect the right to life, especially of unborn children, through positive education, compassionate advocacy and promotion of healthy alternatives to abortion.

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