IPFW Department of Theatre receives national accreditation

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News release from IPFW:

IPFW Department of Theatre Receives National Accreditation

The National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST) has granted accreditation and membership to the Department of Theatre at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) and its Bachelor of Arts: Theatre (acting, design/technology, directing). This is the first time the department has received NAST accreditation.

Chair and Professor of Theatre John O’Connell, who also serves as interim dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts, is pleased with the accreditation. “Being recognized by the national accrediting agency confirms that the IPFW Department of Theatre maintains a program of the highest quality, producing theatre students ready and equipped to compete with students from any other program in the country,” said O’Connell.

Steven T. Sarratore, interim vice chancellor for academic affairs and a professor of theatre, echoed O’Connell’s sentiments. “One of our strategic goals is to have each program on this campus that has an external accreditation agency be accredited. We are delighted that the Department of Theatre has joined the ranks of our other accredited programs on campus.”

NAST was founded in 1965 and is made up of approximately 178 schools, conservatories, colleges and universities. It establishes national standards for undergraduate and graduate degrees and other credentials. NAST’s general aims and objectives are:

[list type=”black”]
[li]To establish a national forum to stimulate the understanding and acceptance of the educational disciplines inherent in the creative arts in higher education in the United States.[/li]
[li]To establish reasonable standards centered on the knowledge and skills necessary to develop academic and professional competence at various program levels.[/li]
[li]To foster the development of instruction of the highest quality while simultaneously encouraging varied and experimental approaches to the teaching of theatre.[/li]
[li]To evaluate, through the processes of voluntary accreditation, schools of theatre and programs of theatre instruction in terms of their quality and the results they achieve, as judged by experienced examiners.[/li]
[li]To assure students and parents that accredited theatre programs provide competent teachers, adequate plant and equipment, and sound curricula, and that they are capable of attaining their stated objectives.[/li]
[li]To counsel and assist institutions in developing their programs, and to encourage self-evaluation and continuing studies toward improvement.[/li]
[li]To invite and encourage the cooperation of professional theatre groups and individuals of reputation in the field of theatre in the formulation of appropriate curricula and standards.[/li]
[li]To establish a national voice to be heard in matters pertaining to theatre, particularly as they would affect member schools and their stated objectives.[/li]

To learn more about NAST, go to nast.arts-accredit.org.

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