Holcomb statement on Obama’s budget proposal

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Media release from the Indiana Republican Party:

Holcomb Statement on Obama’s Budget Proposal
“Washington Would Do Well to Follow the Indiana Blueprint”

INDIANAPOLIS (February 13, 2012) – Indiana Republican Party State Chairman Eric Holcomb issued this statement following the release of President Barack Obama’s 2013 fiscal year budget proposal:

“It was then-candidate Barack Obama who promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his term in office. But, naturally, like most of his promises, fiscal restraint and responsibility quickly fell by the wayside in favor of his desire to feed the ballooning federal government bureaucracy.

“President Barack Obama’s insatiable appetite for deficit spending is a direct attack not only on today’s taxpayers, but also the future generations of Americans that will get stuck with the bill.

“To get our nation back on track, Washington would do well to follow the Indiana blueprint.

“Here in Indiana, we tightened our belts. We paid down our debt. We erased deficits and protected a healthy reserve. In doing so, we have instilled confidence in our local economy and attracted business to our state through our common-sense pro-growth policies.

“It’s the stark differences between rhetoric and results.”

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