Video: Hughes to cut Mayor’s pay

Photos and video from yesterday’s news conference by Republican Mayoral candidate Paula Hughes.

News release:

Hughes to cut Mayor’s pay
Stresses Need to Lead by Example

Former Allen County Council President and Republican nominee for Mayor of Fort Wayne Paula Hughes continued to stress the need to cut wasteful spending and leading by example to make meaningful cuts on Day 1 in office.

Hughes made her announcement joined by area businessman Bob Schenkel and Congressman Marlin Stutzman at C.L. Schust in Fort Wayne.

C.L. Schust is a local roofing company. According the to Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average roofer in the Fort Wayne area earns roughly $30,000 a year. That is the additional amount of money that Mayor Henry pays himself over the Mayors of Indianapolis and South Bend.

Congressman Stutzman joined Paula Hughes because the United States House of Representatives used the rules process to cut their own pay on the first day in office this year. Their 5% pay cut represented a vast departure from the previous practice of automatic pay increases for Congressmen.

“In Washington, we knew that our government was overspending and the US House wanted to show that the cuts must start at the top,” Congressman Stutzman said. “Paula Hughes understands that you must lead by example. Fort Wayne can trust Paula Hughes to keep taxes low and reduce wasteful spending.”

Paula Hughes focused on the struggles of Fort Wayne residents and why it’s important to reduce wasteful spending to protect taxpayers.

“Fort Wayne has the highest paid mayor in Indiana and makes roughly $30,000 more than the Mayor of Indianapolis,” Hughes said. “With unemployment over 9% and taxpayers struggling to make ends meet, we need a mayor who will lead by example. That’s why I’m cutting the mayor’s pay on Day 1 in office.”

“Some have acted like this cut is meaningless,” Hughes said. “I don’t think the average yearly salary of a roofer or a health care support worker is meaningless. Fort Wayne families are struggling and we need to cut out-of-control spending so we can get our great city back to work again.”





Hughes for Mayor campaign website


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