Indiana Grad Rate improves again

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Press release from the Indiana Department of Education:

Indiana Grad Rate improves again

(December 20, 2010) – Indiana’s public school graduation rate improved to 84.1percent in the 2009-2010 school year, increasing 2.6 percentage points over last year and inching closer to the goal of 90 percent of students graduating from high school. Thirty-six percent of high schools have already reached this benchmark set by Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett in January of 2009.

“I congratulate the 133 schools reaching our 90 percent goal. These schools know a high school diploma is one key to success for Indiana students. We must continue to set high expectations for students and encourage them to work hard toward achieving excellence,” Bennett said. “I am proud of our parents, educators and administrators who clearly are challenging our students in the classroom to give their very best academically.”

Graduation rates increase across the board

Statewide, four-year graduation rates increased in nearly all sub-categories. Those increasing the most were African American, Hispanic, free and reduced lunch and limited English proficiency students. Each of these subgroups increased more than six percentage points over last year. In addition, approximately 66 percent of public high schools met or exceeded the state average, and 79 percent of public high schools graduated 80 percent or more of the senior class. In addition, a total of 234 schools (64 percent) improved their graduation rate over last year’s percentage.

Of the approximately 16 percent of students who did not earn diplomas, 6.4 percent were reported as high school dropouts, or their status was undetermined. Other non-graduates include students who earned General Education Development (GED) diplomas (0.8 percent), special education certificates (1.2 percent), non-diploma course completion certificates (0.3 percent) and those still enrolled in school (7.3 percent).

“Every year, there is a new class and a new opportunity to help a student achieve the minimum goal of high-school graduation. Each student who fails to graduate enters the adult world unprepared for the challenges of our modern economy,” Bennett said. “It’s extremely important to communicate the value of high school graduation beginning in the early grades and throughout a student’s education.”

Graduation Rate Performance Program

In May, 2009, the IDOE announced the Graduation Rate Performance Program, which is a competitive program aimed at significantly improving graduation rates. The program will recognize the effort and leadership necessary to ensure all Hoosiers graduate from high school ready for college or a career. The Graduation Rate Performance Program will reward up to $20,000 to staff members of twelve Indiana public high schools with the greatest increase in 2009-10 graduation rate (without waivers and as measured by state audited results) over 2008-09.

Results for this competition will be announced following an audit in 2011 to verify the non-waiver graduation rates.

Indiana graduation rates by the numbers:

2010 State Graduation Rate Breakdown

  • 84.1 percent of students graduated within four years.
  • 6.4 percent of students are reported dropouts or undetermined (meaning they left school without formally withdrawing).
  • 7.3 percent of students are still in school.
  • 0.8 percent of students earned a General Education Development (GED) diploma.
  • 1.2 percent of students earned a Special Education Certificate.
  • 0.3 percent of students earned a non-diploma Course Completion Certificate.

***Please note: Numbers may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

2010 Public High School Graduation Rate Breakdown

  • 90-100 percent graduation rate – 133 schools (36 percent)
  • 80-89.9 percent graduation rate – 161 schools (43 percent)
  • 70-79.9 percent graduation rate – 47 schools (13 percent)
  • 60-69.9 percent graduation rate – 13 schools (4 percent)
  • 50-59.9 percent graduation rate – 8 schools (2 percent)
  • Less than 50 percent graduation rate – 9 schools (2 percent)

For more information on Indiana’s graduation rate (including data for local high schools), visit


For local graduation rates, read:
FWCS graduation rate increases, remains higher than the state average21st December 2010

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