Maye Johnson concede’s election to Kevin Howell

Maye Johnson, courtesy image.

Statement from Allen County Councilwoman Maye Johnson:

Statement to Concede Election:

I would like to thank the voters who have encouraged me to demand a re-count for the First District Allen County Council election. However, after much deliberation and thorough review of the official election results, I have decided against a re-count.

My decision was made even more difficult because of the strong community support I’ve received for a re-count that included the necessary financial resources to pay for it. If I thought there was any possibility of winning this election as opposed to delaying the inevitable, I would fight to continue to represent the citizens of Southeast Allen County, as I have done for the past four-years.

However, the voters have spoken and while 36 votes is a small margin to lose by, our analysis of the election would indicate that it’s highly unlikely that a re-count would change the results.

I am so grateful for the encouragement and support from the community before, during and following this election. However, I feel it’s more important now to move on and to conserve precious resources to prepare for future political opportunities in Fort Wayne and Allen County.

My involvement in community service did not begin with elective office, nor will it end there.

As a member of County Council for the past four years, It’s been both a priviledge and honor to serve the citizens of Allen County. With the full support of my family, friends and supporters, I will pursue other opportunities to continue to improve our community.

I offer my congratulations to Kevin Howell and wish him the best.

Maye Johnson, Allen County Council, 1st District

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