Indiana Auditor Berry put on notice by opponent Locke

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Campaign statement from Sam Locke, Democrat candidate for Indiana State Auditor:

On-Notice for Political Travel, Berry Resorts to Attacks and Double-Speak

Auditor of State Tim Berry, yesterday, attended the meeting of the South Bend Rotary Club. On notice from our press release earlier this week, Berry pointed out that he was not in South Bend to campaign, but “[was] here to report on the state’s fiscal health.” While presumably making the trip on the taxpayer’s dime (official documentation has been requested), Mr. Berry managed to find some time during this “non-political” trip to attack Democratic candidate Sam Locke’s age and perceived experience.
After the meeting Berry said to a South Bend Tribune reporter, “Do you want to put somebody who is idealistic and has very little experience and background in charge of a $13 billion organization?” Sam Locke responded by saying, “Most Hoosiers wouldn’t call tax savings and transparency idealistic – like me, they’d call it common sense.”

Additionally, Berry stated “These aren’t entry-level jobs.” Locke responded, “I couldn’t agree more. As an officer in the United States Air Force, small-business owner and manager in the fund raising arm of the National Headquarters of a mainline Church, the real issue is the lack of innovation and independence in this office over the last two decades. Making real-world, everyday changes that save money and make public operations more transparent are actions most Hoosier companies deal with daily and are what my experience has proven I can accomplish, too.”

Locke continued, “In November, I will be happy to put my record of military service, small business ownership, and nonprofit sector consulting up against Mr. Berry’s record as a career government bureaucrat.”

Our campaign once again calls on Mr. Berry to end the political double-speak and immediately stop using taxpayer funded trips to make political attacks. Again, we implore Mr. Berry to amend his campaign finance report to show the cost of travel expenses in his campaign and to reimburse Hoosiers for the money used on trips disguised as official business to attack political opponents.

For more information on the campaign, please visit

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