Press release from Parkview Hospital:
Parkview to host upcoming events
(July 1, 2010) – Parkview will host several upcoming events.
Parkview’s Diabetes Treatment Center will lead a community forum on diabetes at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 7 at the Allen County Public Library’s downtown branch, 900 Library Plaza. Forums are held on the first Wednesday of each month at the library for people who have diabetes and their family members. For more information, call the Parkview Diabetes Treatment Center at (260) 373-4280.
Parkview Hospital’s Family Birthing Center will host a free Baby Shower from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, July 10 at Parkview’s Randallia campus, 2200 Randallia Dr. Expectant moms and family members will tour the Family Birthing Center and learn about early pregnancy care and Parkview’s free birth planner services. In addition, there will be information about financial help for pregnant women and safe and secure baby programs. There will be baby-safe giveaways, refreshments and attendees will be able to enter a drawing to win prizes. To make a reservation, call (260) 373-6900.
The Brain Injury Support Group will meet from 6:30-8 p.m. Monday, July 12 at the Parkview Home Health & Hospice office, 1900 Carew St., Suite 5. The group is designed for survivors of brain injury and their family and friends. Discussions include living with brain injury and information regarding services for people with brain injury.
“I Am Turning 65…Now What Do I Do? An Introduction to Medicare” will be held from 6:30-8 p.m. Monday, July 19. The session is free and will be held at the Parkview Corporate Office Auditorium, 10501 Corporate Drive on the Parkview North campus. For reservations, call (260) 373-7209.
Fred Taube, Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIP) counselor, will lead the class. SHIP volunteers are trained to help Medicare recipients and their caregivers make their own best decisions for their medical care.Common questions that will be answered include:
- How do I sign up for Medicare?
- What does Medicare pay for?
- How much will it cost me?
- What are my decisions and what are my options?
- What if I want to continue to work?
- Where can I get more information and help if I need it?