Parent Network now available to view student scores

ISTEP+ & Parent Network logos.

Press release from the Indiana Department of Education:

Parent Network now available to view student scores

The Indiana ISTEP+ Parent Network opened today, allowing parents to view student level scores and applied skills images for the annual statewide assessment. This network provides parents access to student results, a process required by Indiana Law.

Parent Network invitation letters were delivered to school corporations the first week of May and schools are required to distribute the letters in a timely manner. Invitation codes included in the letter are specific to each student and enable parents to securely access their student’s results.

The Parent Network is available 24/7 to families as a resource to help them stay involved in their student’s learning and progress. This network not only provides scores and released student responses, but also gives parents additional support to help increase their student’s learning and achievement.

Parents can login and access their students’ scores at Parents who did not receive an initiation code should contact their student’s school immediately. Questions can be directed to the Indiana Parent Network by calling (800) 481-4769 or via e-mail at

Statewide aggregate data will be available to the public in the coming weeks. The Indiana Department of Education will release this as soon as possible once these numbers are final. The 2010 ISTEP+ was administered in two sections; the applied skills assessment was given in March, and the multiple-choice assessment was administered from late April through early May.

For more information on the Parent Network, go to:

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