National Wild Turkey Federation Chapter Hosts Benefit – 6/5/2010

National Wild Turkey Federation logo.

Press release from Community Harvest Food Bank:

National Wild Turkey Federation Chapter Hosts Benefit

(April 29, 2010) – The Three Rivers Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is hosting the Golfin’ for Gobblers golf outing to benefit the Turkey Hunters Care Program. The event will be held on June 5th at the Donald Ross Golf Course at 7102 S. Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, IN. The registration starts at 7:30am, Tee off is at 8:00 am. Cost for a four man team is $240 or $60 per person. For more information on the outing please contact Rick Naatz at 260/443-5993.

The Turkey Hunters Care Program helps less fortunate families in the area around the holidays. All funds raised will be used to purchase frozen turkeys. Those turkeys will be donated to the Community Harvest Food Bank. In 2009, the Three Rivers Chapter of the NWTF donated 147 turkeys to Community Harvest for their Holiday Meals program.


About the NWTF
The National Wild Turkey Federation is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization with a mission dedicated to conserving wild turkeys and preserving hunting traditions. When the NWTF was founded in 1973, there were only 1.3 million wild turkeys. Today that number stands at more than seven million birds throughout North America, thanks to the efforts of state, federal and provincial wildlife agencies, the NWTF and its members and partners.

Growth and progress define the NWTF as it has expanded from 1,300 members in 1973 to more than 400,000 today. With that growth has come impressive strides in wildlife management as the NWTF has forged dynamic partnerships across the country to further its conservation mission. Together, the NWTF’s partners, sponsors and grassroots members have raised and spent more than $286 million upholding hunting traditions and conserving nearly 14 million acres of wildlife habitat.

While wild turkey restoration is nearing completion, the NWTF still has much work to do. Across North America, supporters are working to enhance habitat for wild turkeys and other wildlife while providing hunters with more opportunities and access to public and private land. In addition, NWTF volunteers and partners are introducing youth, women and people with disabilities to the outdoors through special educational events. The NWTF’s national headquarters, located in Edgefield, S.C., features the Wild Turkey Center and Winchester Museum and 100-acre Outdoor Education Center.

For more information about the NWTF’s Turkey Hunters Care program, become a member of Team NWTF, join a committee or start a chapter, please visit or call 800-THE-NWTF.

About Community Harvest Food Bank
Community Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Indiana, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the alleviation of hunger through the full use of donated food and other resources. As the largest food bank in northeast Indiana, it collects and distributes over 10 million pounds of donated, surplus food annually through a network of human service member agencies. For more on Community Harvest, visit

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