Cheaper Dust Control Program offered in Allen County

Allen County Board of Commissioners Seal

Press release from the Allen County Board of Commissioners, dated March 29, 2010:

Cheaper Dust Control Program Offered in Allen County
Price drop reflects decrease in cost of material

Some good news this year for Allen County residents who want the Highway Department to apply dust control material to their stone and gravel roads – the price for the service has come down.

The Highway Department will charge $1.00 per linear foot for a minimum 200-foot application of the asphalt emulsion. The new fee is down $0.65 per linear foot compared to last year. “The price of oil is lower and, as a result, so is the cost of the dust control material,” said Bill Hartman, Highway Department Director.

The Highway Department is scheduled to begin putting down the dust control material May 3, depending upon weather and road conditions. It will be sprayed in two treatments and applications will span the full width of the road. Residents can sign up for the applications in person April 1 through April 30 at these locations:

  • Highway Department Main Office, 1 W. Superior Street, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • North Maintenance Facility, 2234 Carroll Road, weekdays from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • South Maintenance Facility, 8317 Tillman Road, weekdays from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Motorists should drive with caution on roads that have recently received an application of the black dust control material. When freshly applied, the material can create a slick surface for vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed. It can take from one to five days for the material to dry completely, depending upon the weather and the condition of the road prior to application.

If motorists notice that the black material has gotten onto a vehicle, they should check their vehicle owner’s manual or consult a dealer representative for instructions on how to remove it.

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