Get your bid in…

In the November 3, 2008, Redevelopment Commission meeting, it had been stated that removal of the East building and asphalt parking lot would cost approximately $194,000. This was a rough estimate. The thinking at that time was the asphalt would remain on-site for recycling use by the City.

Another option being explored at that point was that the building, the back part of the structure where automobile work had been accomplished, would be removed by another group who would then re-locate the structure for their use.

Obviously, nothing came of this proposal as today a press release from the City stated:

Redevelopment Commission plans demolition of building at Former Dimension Ford site next month
Location within floodplain will become green space

The Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission plans to demolish the east building at the former Dimension Ford site on West Jefferson Boulevard next month as part of the commission’s plans to return the land to green space.

The commission will open bids for the removal the building at its meeting May 11. The City expects demolition to begin in late May and finish in June. The building has structural steel that can be recycled or reused.

Last year, the Redevelopment Commission purchased the property adjacent to the St. Marys River. The east portion of the land is prone to flooding and will be turned over the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department to be maintained as green space. The west building will remain, and the commission has that portion of the property for sale.

Companies interested in bidding for the demolition should contact the Redevelopment Department at 427-1127.

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  1. This goes a long with my mentality of the hotel on west jeff and 69 that they tore down.

    -There are thieves breaking into houses and buildings just to steal the recyclable metal. I say we just open up the buildings at let them have at it. Hang a few “enter at your own risk” signs and unlock the doors! It won’t cost any money and will get the bums and thieves off the street for a few days!

    • Good idea, Eric. I remember when the demolitions were going on in the Harrison Square area. I talked to a few police officers who told me they were called frequently to investigate “suspicious persons or activity”. It seemed like every day or two I was seeing someone down ripping siding off the backs of the houses, or inside the houses going through whatever had been left inside. Save the expense of officers response time and get ’em off the street. Two birds with one stone!

  2. Just as long as it’s more scavengers than people looking for a place to live. Westwood lanes is still my favorite bowling alley in town, and I’d hate to see their customer numbers dwindle because people would feel unsafe in the area. I’d say open it up to the public for a designated amount of time (perhaps most of a Saturday and part of a Sunday), place an ad on craigslist in the free section, post the enter/remove at own risk signs and literally watch the building disappear in a weekend. No vagrants, no lawsuits, no expense.


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