
Fairmount Place flooding

In today’s Journal Gazette will be an article about the Fairmount Place property and how some of this property slipped through the City’s fingers. It should make for an interesting read. This issue, something I haven’t blogged about, is part of what’s played into the frustration the opposition has experienced with the proposed women and children’s shelter being placed here.

The flooding this past week also spilled into the western portion of the Charis House property along Fairmount Place.  The flooding did not reach where the proposed building would have been constructed, however, this was only moderate flooding on the St. Mary’s River.  Another foot or two of water in the river could very well have translated into trouble for the shelter.  

This flooding does not preclude building on the property.  There are ways of designing buildings to be more flood-resistant.  For instance make the ground floor of a building into a parking garge type of arrangement.  Building on stilts is another possiblity.  The last thing anyone would want to see happen is to have a homeless shelter for women and children become inundated with flood water.

A photo set from the flooding.

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