
Redevelopment Comm. notes – 1/20/2009

City of Fort Wayne Seal

The Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission met Tuesday, January 20th 2009 with all Commissioners present except for Steve Corona.

The Redevelopment Commission approved several resolutions regarding Harrison Square change orders.  Some were to add features that had been value-engineered out of the project.  One of these involved the entrance/exit gates to Parkview Field.  There will be a total of 14 gates, each measuring 8 feet tall.  It was decided to add arches on the tops and make them a bit more ornamental in appearance than just a standard fence.  Jim Iddins, Weigand Construction, reported there are some 350 project requests that they are wading through to determine which need to be done and which might be able to added.  All items at this point are coming out of the contingency funds.

Cory Miller, Schenkel Shultz Architecture, presented an update on the parking deck.  The parking deck will meet a February 1st deadline of parking Lincoln Financial Group employees which will total 580 cars.  The cars will probably have to be parked on the lower levels.  The next goal is March 1st for the rest of the structure to be available for public use.  There is some caulking and electrical work to be completed.  

The question was raised about possible damage to the structure by the last month’s fire.  The fire occurred on December 18th, 2008.  Cory responded that the contractor does not believe there was any damage to the structure.  There was a large amount of water poured onto the structure during the fire.  He mentioned that some tarps in the area had been so well protected by the Fort Wayne Fire Department that it did not melt.  There is some concern that all of that water could have entered some of the electrical conduits in the area and frozen with the recent cold.  They still do not have that area powered up, but the contractor does not think it will be an issue.

The contract with Carson Boxberger for professional services was approved.  The hourly rate will remain the same as the 2008 calendar year, $175 per hour.  The Escrow Agreement for the Wayne Pipe remediation was approved.  The amount is not to exceed $135,000, with $50,000 already paid into the account per an earlier meeting.  City Attorney Carol Taylor is still looking into the possibility of going after the responsible parties for the initial problem.

The possible Intermodal Yard at Adams Center is still on-track.  This property, however, is not considered to be shovel-ready.

The final piece of business concerned the awarding of the bleacher contract for the top of the parking deck conference center.  The contract was awarded to National Recreational Seating, a local Fort Wayne company.  Commissioner Judi Wire raised a concern about the bleachers being required to be anchored and staff assured her they would double check the wording of the contract.  Commissioner Thom Obergfell abstained from the vote because NRS is a client of his at the bank.  The seating will cost $121,850 with two other companies bidding.  Neither of the losers were locally-owned with one being in Texas.

It was agreed that the February meeting of the Redevelopment Commission will be held at Parkview Field in one of the suites.

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