National Health Care Debate in Fort Wayne Telecast

Last Edition of Public 1’s Health Care Summit
“The National Health Care Debate in Fort Wayne”

This will be broadcast on Comcast Ch. 55 and Verizon Ch. 25 on Tuesday, December 9, at 7:00 PM and again on Wednesday, December 10, at 11:00 AM.

Although this debate occurred in September, the debate is assuredly timely today with Congress in action again in January.

The debate itself was about national health access with 3 proposals at issue: Sen. Barack Obama’s plan, Sen. John McCain’s plan, and Rep. John Conyers’ plan (along with 99 congressional sponsors). As you can see from this debate, both the McCain and Obama plans are “employer-based” with much in common although one is more comprehensive, and the Conyers’ “Single Payer Plan” is markedly different from both.

On November 15, Conyers announced in Chicago at the national HealthCare NOW conference that he is meeting with Sen. Ted Kennedy to try to try to reach some agreement on a House-Senate “single payer plan” or find out what changes he would need to make to ever get Kennedy’s support.

Sen. Kennedy had already announced he will be introducing a national health care plan in January. Conyers said he will introduce his proposal, and it is expected that President-Elect Obama does likewise as part of his “honeymoon” session.

The panel includes:
– Julia Vaughn, Healthcare Policy Consultant, Citizen Action Coalition of Indiana
– Senator Barack Obama Campaign for Change Senior Advisor Dr. Woody Meyers, former Indiana State Health Commissioner
– Senator John McCain Campaign Spokesperson Rep. Matt Bell (R-Avilla).

Previous AFW Post:
Health Care Summit Sessions To Air Starting Tuesday – 3rd November 2008

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