Harrison Square Photo update

The Concourse and Ballpark are taking shape at Harrison Square.  The part of the concourse which sits next to Ewing Street has been shaped and molded over the last week.  Layers of dirt mixed with lime were laid down to build the concourse up.  The top of the concourse is approximately 5 feet above the Ewing Street level.  The concourse will be the same level all the way around the ballpark.  If you remember the layout of the area, Harrison Street sits uphill of Ewing Street, quite a difference in grade.  This means the concourse on the Ewing Street side needs to be built up.  On the East side of the concourse, is a downward slope into what will be the ballpark and eventually third base line.  According to Indiana News Center, the first thing to come out of the ground will be part of the outfield wall.  The below-ground clubhouse will be next to be built.  The cement work will probably begin this week.

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