Tag: SDI Steel Dynamics Inc.
Creepy Crawly Day Friday – 7/16/2021
The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo invites guests to celebrate Creepy Crawly Day on Friday, July 16, 2016.
TinCaps Military Appreciation Day – 8/29/2021
The Fort Wayne TinCaps will welcome military personnel to Parkview Field for Military Appreciation Day on Sunday, Aug. 29, 2021.
Pollinator Day at the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo – 7/2/2021
The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo invites guests to celebrate Pollinator Day on Friday, July 2, 2021.
World Ocean Day at the Zoo Friday – 6/18/2021
The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo invites guests to celebrate World Ocean Day on Friday, June 18, 2021.
Ivy Tech community job fairs – April 2021
Ivy Tech Fort Wayne and Warsaw invite the community to two career fairs in April 2021.
Turnstone Center adds onsite Recreation Therapy
Turnstone Center has announced recreation therapy's addition to its comprehensive programs and services for children and adults with disabilities.
TRF announces 2021 Parade Theme
This year's Three Rivers Festival Parade theme celebrates the value of community: “Coming Together: Fort Wayne’s Past, Present, & Future.”
Festival of Trees virtual tour
Embassy Theatre news release:
Festival of Trees Virtual Tour Supports Embassy Fundraising Efforts
FORT WAYNE INDIANA (December 22, 2020) – The Embassy Theatre concluded the 36th...
Embassy presents additional Santa experiences
The Embassy's Festival of Trees is drawing to a close this Sunday, but there are still opportunities for family moments with Santa Claus.
Festival of Trees: extended hours and days
The Embassy has made some adjustments to this year’s 36th annual Festival of Trees due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.