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Tag: Riverfront Fort Wayne

City of Fort Wayne seal

Promenade recommended as first phase for riverfront development

The City's riverfront consultant, SWA Group, tonight recommended building a waterfront promenade as the first phase of Fort Wayne's downtown riverfront.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Photo contest winners to be displayed at the Big Reveal February 4th

Mayor Tom Henry is inviting citizens to see the top photos of the Riverfront Fort Wayne photo contest during the February 4 Big Reveal event.
City of Fort Wayne seal

City of Fort Wayne: The Big Reveal

The City of Fort Wayne has scheduled a night for The Big Reveal of the riverfront development plans for downtown Fort Wayne Indiana.
City of Fort Wayne seal

The Big Reveal: See final recommendations from riverfront consultants

Area citizens are invited to see the final recommendations from the riverfront consultants at a public meeting on February 4, 2015.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Riverfront Fort Wayne Survey: What are your priorities?

Riverfront Fort Wayne consultants are drawing up their final proposals and offering one last opportunity for public input.