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Tag: Legacy Fort Wayne

AWS Foundation logo

AWS Foundation Commissions Study

The AWS Foundation's board of directors has commissioned a study to assess the feasibility of building a multi-use, downtown sports arena to serve the needs of individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities and their families, and the community at-large.
The 765 on Horsehoe Curve

First passenger train excursion in 20 years to depart Fort Wayne

For the first time in over twenty years, a passenger excursion train will depart Fort Wayne.
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation logo

Youth Sports Community Assessment and Market Potential Study

The public is invited to participate in an electronic survey to offer input about youth sports growth opportunities for Fort Wayne.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Consultant selected for Downtown Riverfront Development Study

Mayor Tom Henry today announced the City of Fort Wayne has selected a consultant team to lead a Downtown Riverfront Development Study.
McMillen Park Community Center floor plan rendering

City unveils McMillen Community Center plans

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry, City Councilman Glynn Hines and Parks & Recreation Director Al Moll were joined by MSKTD and Associates today to unveil the renderings of the McMillen Park Community Center, a Legacy Fort Wayne project.
Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation

Firm chosen for Youth Sports Community Assessment and Market Potential Study

Mayor Tom Henry today announced that Aquarius Sports and Entertainment has been chosen to conduct a Youth Sports Community Assessment and Market Potential study for Fort Wayne as part of the Legacy Fort Wayne initiative.
Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation

McMillen Park Community Center architect chosen

The Board of Park Commissioners Thursday approved the recommendation to have MSKTD & Associates design the renovation of the McMillen Park Community Center, a Legacy Fort Wayne project.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Framework to save money and bring additional revenue to City

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry and his Fiscal Policy Group today outlined a framework of ideas to save the community money and bring additional revenue to the City of Fort Wayne.
City of Fort Wayne seal

City to launch higher education initiatives

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry today announced the City of Fort Wayne is inviting colleges and universities to help make the downtown area a hub for innovative learning experiences.
City of Fort Wayne seal

City issues request for proposals for youth sports study

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry is taking another step in implementing the recommendations of the Legacy Fort Wayne initiative by issuing a request for proposals (RFP) to study youth sports opportunities.