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Tag: Legacy Fort Wayne

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Meeting: Legacy Joint Funding Committee

The Legacy Joint Funding Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3rd.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Developer for major downtown project announced

Mayor Tom Henry today announced Great Lakes Capital will develop the residential component of the major development project in downtown Fort Wayne.
The Riverworks Design Team

Photos and video from Riverworks Design Team announcement

Photos and video from Riverworks Design Team announcement.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Team chosen to lead engineering and design work for riverfront promenade

Mayor Tom Henry today announced a team of professionals has been selected to engineer and design a riverfront promenade as part of the community's riverfront development efforts.

Ash Skyline Plaza tops out construction

Today marks another milestone in construction of the Ash Skyline Plaza, as one of the final steel beams was put in place for the downtown development.
City of Fort Wayne seal

City awarded IDNR grant for riverbank stabilization and restoration

The Indiana DNR has awarded the City of Fort Wayne $32,000 for riverbank stabilization and restoration along the St. Marys River.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Meeting notice: Legacy Joint Funding Committee

The Legacy Joint Funding Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 21 in Room 030 on the Garden Level of Citizens Square, 200 E. Berry St.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Mayor Henry announces progress being made in City’s riverfront development efforts

Mayor Tom Henry announces positive progress in the City of Fort Wayne's riverfront development efforts, including the first grant.
Henry for Mayor logo

Mayor Henry to seek re-election

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry today announced he will seek re-election as Mayor of the City of Fort Wayne.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Meeting Notice: Legacy Joint Funding Committee – 10/8/2014

The Legacy Joint Funding Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8th.