Home Tags Fort Wayne City Councilman Jason Arp

Tag: Fort Wayne City Councilman Jason Arp

No Vaccine Passport Resolution up for final-final vote tonight?

On the agenda for final vote this evening is the "No Vaccine Passport" resolution sponsored by Fort Wayne City Councilmen Jason Arp and Paul Ensley.

Fort Wayne City Council meeting tonight – 7/6/2021

The Fort Wayne City Council meets this evening at 5:30 pm in Committee Session at Citizens Square.

Fort Wayne City Council meeting tonight – 6/22/2021

The Fort Wayne City Council meets this evening at 5:30 pm in Committee and Regular Sessions at Citizens Square.

Former Rescue Mission demolition update – 6/16/2021

Demolition of the former Fort Wayne Rescue Mission location at 301 West Superior Street in downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana, is underway.

Fort Wayne City Council meeting tonight – 6/15/2021

The Fort Wayne City Council meets this evening at 5:30 pm in Committee Session at Citizens Square.

Fort Wayne City Council meeting tonight – 6/8/2021

The Fort Wayne City Council meets this evening at 5:30 pm in both Committee and Regular Sessions at Citizens Square.

Mitch McKinney announces endorsements

Allen County Sheriff candidate Mitch McKinney (R) and his campaign team are excited to announce a list of endorsements from elected officials across the county.
City of Fort Wayne

Councils react to food and beverage tax increase

Today, City and County officials met at Don Hall’s Gas House to introduce a joint resolution that will advise the state legislature on the food and beverage tax.
Electric Works rendering

Council letter to Redevelopment

The Fort Wayne City Council sent a letter to the Fort Wayne Redevelopment's Executive Director, Nancy Townsend on August 5, 2020.
City of Fort Wayne

Electric Works extension request alternative

Text of letter sent to various government entities by Jason Arp, Paul Ensley (City Councilmen), and Redevelopment Commissioner Nathan Hartman.