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Tag: City of Fort Wayne Division of Public Works

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Mayor Henry announces projects for record year of over $20 million in infrastructure enhancements

Residents will see a record amount of neighborhood infrastructure enhancements in the City of Fort Wayne as part of the 2014 construction season.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Street crews add weekend shifts for pothole duty

City of Fort Wayne Street Department crews will be out in full force, working overtime hours again this weekend in an effort to fill numerous potholes left by the recent freeze and thaw cycle.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Street flooding issues

Public Works and Utility staff are addressing a few street flooding issues that occurred this morning due to this morning's heavy rain.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Growing recycling appetite leads to new app

This week, to help residents get easy access to information when they need it, the City of Fort Wayne is launching the free app called RecycleFW.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Proposed 2014 budget reflects commitment to positioning City for growth and success

Mayor Tom Henry today discussed details of the City's proposed 2014 budget.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Mayor announces proactive sidewalk improvement plan

Mayor Tom Henry announces the City of Fort Wayne has developed a three-pronged sidewalk improvement plan that will begin in the 2014 construction season.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Sewer improvements to cause lane restrictions downtown

Ongoing sewer improvements will move into the downtown area next week.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Capital Improvement Plan to be presented to City Council

Mayor Tom Henry's Administration tonight will present details of a Capital Improvement Plan to City Council.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Mayor Henry announces substantial increase

Mayor Tom Henry today was joined by members of the Public Works Department, elected officials, and community and neighborhood leaders to discuss planned improvements to the City's transportation system.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Working in the Heart of the Neighborhood

It's construction season again and nearly 30 miles in street paving, reconstruction and repairs will take place through the end of October.