Tag: Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Paul Helmke interview
Paul Helmke was in town last week to lecture at IPFW's University Community Conversation series.
After a news conference, we sat down and talked about...
Paul Helmke news conference – 2/3/2011
Paul Helmke was in town last week to lecture at IPFW's University Community Conversation series.
Helmke's lecture was titled, "Tragedy in Tucson - Impact on...
New University Community Conversation program at IPFW
News release from IPFW:
New University Community Conversation Program at IPFW
(January 26, 2011) - University Community Conversation (UC2) is a new community engagement program sponsored...
Brady Center president to speak at IPFW about Tucson Tragedy Thursday
Press release from IPFW:
Brady Center President to Speak at IPFW about Tucson Tragedy
Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign and the Brady Center to...