Home Tags Baker Street Train Station

Tag: Baker Street Train Station

Rally for Rail reminder 4/3/2009 …

...as if you need one after all the plugs this past week on this blog. Today, Friday, at 4:30 pm at the Baker...

Will passenger trains ever return to Fort Wayne?

This Friday, at 4:30 pm at the Baker Street Train Station, Northeast Indiana Passenger Rail Association will be holding a Rally for Rail. ...

When Rural Communities Lose Passenger Rail Service

This Friday, at 4:30 pm at the Baker Street Train Station, Northeast Indiana Passenger Rail Association will be holding a Rally for Rail.  The...

The clock chimes!

In case you were not aware, The Peoples Trust & Savings Company Clock at the Baker Street Train Station chimes on the hour.  It...

Rally for Rail – 4/3/2009

The newly created Northeast Indiana Passenger Rail Association held a press conference Tuesday to announce a Rally for Rail to be held on April...

Downtown clock dedication

From the City of Fort Wayne website: Piece of the past will overlook downtown, new ballpark People's Trust Clock Adds to the Amenities Downtown Visitors to Fort...

Peoples Clock at Baker Street Railroad Station

The restored Peoples Trust & Savings Company Clock was installed on a stand in front of the Baker Street Railroad Station last December.  The...