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Tag: Annual City of Fort Wayne Public Safety news conference

Mayor Tom Henry and FWPD recap 2017 in public safety

Mayor Tom Henry and Police Chief Steve Reed today provided a public safety recap of 2017 and highlighted efforts designed to make the City of Fort Wayne as safe as possible.

Mayor Henry and FWPD outline proactive efforts to address public safety issues in the...

Mayor Tom Henry and Police Chief Steve Reed today outlined proactive efforts designed to address public safety issues in the City of Fort Wayne.
Chief Garry Hamilton and Mayor Tom Henry

Charts, photos, stats, and video from the crime update news conference this morning

Photos and video from this morning's news conference to update citizens on crime stats in Fort Wayne.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Mayor Henry and FWPD highlight reduction in crime overall

Mayor Henry and the FWPD today provided an updated that Fort Wayne Indiana has experienced an overall reduction in crime of more than 14 percent in 2014.